
Thursday, 7 February 2013

Menopause ChitChat- The Online Support Group for Menopausal Women

Just as there are support groups for drug and alcohol addicts, cancer patients and even single parents, now there's one for menopausal women too. Menopause is a private online platform where menopausal women may share their experiences, post questions, give advices and over-all a web-based support system for women dealing with the discomforts of menopause.

It is a website serving more than 1500 members. Here they get the freedom to ask questions they're too shy to ask from their doctors. Women also find that sharing and reading personal stories very empowering and make them feel they're not alone in this journey.

Women dealing with menopause typically feel night sweats, hot flashes and irritation. But some topics are just too sensitive that they can't ask their physicians. Problems with loss of sexual interest and weight gain are but a few of the topics women can freely discuss on this website.

Since menopause strike at varying ages of a woman's life, it may be hard for them to adjust and relate the symptoms to one another. As a challenging phase of life, women are encouraged to ask freely and advice freely so they can form a unique bond with each other and get the empathy they deserve.


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