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Saturday, 30 January 2016

How to Deal with Menopause and Insomnia?

Menopause is a natural life event that happens to every woman in her lifetime. It can occur any time between the ages of 40 and 55. In some cases, earlier or later. While some women seem to breeze through menopause with few troubling symptoms, others may experience mild discomfort or even life altering sensations that make this phase difficult to cope with. One of the more common symptoms is insomnia. If it becomes severe, it can cause daytime sleepiness, irritability, trouble concentrating and going about daily tasks. There are things that you can do to treat effectively insomnia that is related to menopause.

Menopause signs
The menopause sign are generally irregular menstrual periods that eventually end altogether. Other common symptoms include hot flushes, nervousness, irritability, difficulty concentrating, headaches and disruption in sleep patterns. The duration and severity of these signs varies from woman to woman. Some hardly notice them while others may have difficulty coping with the discomfort.

Causes of menopausal insomnia
During menopause, a woman's body is undergoing drastic hormonal changes. Estrogen and progesterone levels tend to lower with occasional spikes as the ovulation phase nears its end. These hormones influence the production of other compounds within the body's chemistry. Feelings of anxiety are common and these can be a contributing factor to night time insomnia. Some women find it difficult to relax prior to bed time. In addition, some women experience hot flushes along with night sweats, racing heart and palpitations. These symptoms can wreak havoc on the sleep schedule. Hormonal imbalances are the main culprit for menopausal insomnia and the emotional impact of the end of child bearing ability can compound the problem.

Treatment for insomnia
There are a few different ways to approach treatment for menopausal insomnia. Since the issue is generally related to hormonal imbalances, hormone replacement therapy most often provides relief. The traditional method which relies upon synthetically manufactured estrogen and progesterone replacement is effective for most women, but there are associated risks. It can increase the likelihood of developing certain cancers and cardiac related health issues. This type of treatment stimulates the body chemistry into responding as though it is still producing estrongen and progesterone at previous levels, so other related functions respond in kind and the symptoms are reduced or eliminated. Not all women are candidates for this type of therapy, but there are alternatives.

Natural hormone replacement therapy
Herbal remedies have been found effective in treating insomnia in menopausal women. Plants containing phytoestrogens are useful in helping to restore hormonal balances. Soy beans are a rich source of these compounds. Plants high in phytoestrogens are used to extract these compounds, concentrate them and create natural supplements that work in the same manner as traditional hormone replacement therapies, except without the associated health risks. Many women opt for this treatment method when HRT is not recommended in their particular cases.

How natural remedies work?
Natural treatments using phytoestrogens are not as strong as regular HRT, but more highly concentrated doses can be as effective for some women. These compounds cause the body to respond as it did prior to the onset of menopause. Night sweats, nervousness and anxiety are generally lessened because the body chemistry returns to a more normal state with fewer spikes and valleys with regard to hormone levels. Fewer sleep disruptions occur and this allows women to achieve deeper levels of sleep for longer periods of time.

Other methods of treating menopausal insomnia
In addition to herbal supplements with phytoestrogens, there are other ways to treat menopausal insomnia. Exercise in the afternoon can help to get the systems in the body working at higher levels for a better night's sleep. Controlling your diet is also important for putting insomnia in check. Avoid foods that stimulate the central nervous system. For example, avoid caffeine late in the day because it can lead to anxiety and difficulty in falling asleep. Try taking warm showers or baths instead of hot ones, and if hot flushes are an issue, cut back on the use of hot tubs and spicy hot foods and beverages prior to bed time. Identifying your triggers for hot flushes and avoiding them can help in reducing insomnia. They may vary from woman to woman so you may want to keep track of activities or foods/drinks that tend to set them off.

Aromatherapy is another remedy that is effective in reducing anxiety and inducing sleepiness near bed time. Lavender, chamomile and Valerian are excellent choices that contain compounds that help to promote relaxation and sleepiness. Drinking a glass of chamomile tea does the trick for some women. Watch the sugar intake and if you must have sweetness, consider using a small amount of honey.

There is no good reason to suffer from menopausal insomnia when effective treatments are available. The more natural the treatment, the better for your long term health. A few lifestyle changes may be all that is needed to regulate your sleep patterns. The best remedy for you depends on the severity of the symptoms and what you are most comfortable with. With so many options available, you can find the combination of approaches that works the best for you.




Thursday, 28 January 2016

Why You Need to Take Menopause Supplement?

Understanding menopause is a great way to understand why taking supplements is ideal if normal body function is to be expected. Menopause is caused by a fall in the dip of estrogen levels in the body. This is a period of transition, where most women have a mix of hormonal and body functions which they may not understand at first. Menopause shows an end to the fertile years of a woman. In most cases, the experiences differ from woman to woman, but the most common complaints which come with menopause include hot flashes, night sweats.

Reduction of energy, as well as vaginal dryness. The dip in estrogen levels could also lead to poor bone health, loss of memory, urinary problems and poor heart health. To counter these challenges, it is important to make use of natural menopause supplements which can help correct the noted anomalies.

One of the best ways to counter the effects of menopause is through ensuring that you have good nutrition. This is one of the best and natural ways to ensure you get what is lacking in the body. The best way to get the right menopause supplements is through changing diet to focus on the items that are missing or those that contain high levels of the missing items in the body. Other ways of making sure that you achieve what you desire is through exercise. Exercise ensures that you keep the body young and healthy as you work towards a healthy lifestyle.

In some extreme cases, menopause supplements may not be the best alternative and in these, doctors normally recommend hormonal replacement therapy (HRT). In this, estrogen is administered through injections, pills, patches or through creams to sustain normal body function. This is however not recommended for long term use as it has been shown to have some grave side effects.

Research has shown that food is one of the best ways to control menopause effects naturally, without side effects to think about. What’s more, food will normally contain agent s that can spur the production of the low hormones in the body naturally, thus making it the ideal solution to control the menopause effects.

Through supplementation of various foods in the diet, it has been shown that women can lead relatively normal lifestyles as they had before menopause set in. Since it has been shown that menopause is caused by a reduction in estrogen hormone, foods that are the building blocks of this hormone and those that help its action are recommended to restore hormone balance.

Foods such as soya beans and tofu have been shown to be excellent as they contains Phytoestrogens, which can help supplement as the body’s estrogen, though significantly weaker. This food has been shown to maintain health during menopause. Soya has also been shown to control free radicals, thus act as antioxidants associated with aging.

Another important of the menopause supplements is Gamma Linolenic Acid, commonly referred to as GLA. This is an essential fatty acid normally present in oil and supports menopausal health. It is common in seed oils such as borage, black currant as well as primrose. GLA has been shown to be of value in hormonal balance and in support of menopause health.

Since estrogen levels diminish during menopause, bone health is at risk. Eating foods high in calcium such as yogurt, dairy foods, sardines and vegetables helps maintain bone density and consequently improve bone health. Menoquil is one great product that should be used during menopause. It is based on natural extracts and supplements which allow one to enjoy the transition of menopause and an enjoyable life.

It is also advisable that in menopause, foods high in sugar be avoided as these may adversely affect menopause symptoms, making them that much harder to treat. Water intake should be increased to ensure that body temperature is controlled and alcohol intake limited as it dehydrates the body and hinders absorption of nutrients. Mild exercise should also be integrated as it helps one keep in shape as well as fend off lifestyle diseases. Exercise also helps one have a healthy heart which is quite ideal
To control menopause naturally while avoiding prescription drugs, try Menoquil today. This is a great product that contains an amazing mix of herbs and nutrients which help keep menopause symptoms at bay. Try it today and experience a true revolution.





Friday, 15 January 2016

How Progesteril Making Mymenopause Life Better?

I will say what many women will never say; I love menopause! The sad and miserable version of this change - where women complain about their oestrogen levels - makes me rethink the half-empty cup analogy as a cultural meme. It is expected that women will resist moving on from their fertile mother years, maybe because there's an entire "youthfulness" industry to support ranging from cosmetic surgery to hormonal replacement therapies.

Mark you, I do want to age gracefully and thus I follow a strict diet and do physical exercises and yoga. You might have guessed that I don't really take menopause as a burden. I don't feel the need for botox, or hormonal therapies. In fact, one year down the line, it has been pretty damn good.

Well, in my unprecedented swim against a strong cultural tidal wave, I have found five ways menopause has enhanced my quality of life;
  • Plunge in the world of Creativity - ever since the onset of my menopause, I have had all these ideas and inspiration. I find myself writing all manner of publications. If I was a painter I swear I would have my own rendition of the Mona Lisa. If I was an inventor, I would have something that would make Google look like child play. I believe that this improved creativity is common to all women… if only we stopped complaining and looked at the bigger picture.
  • The Libido drop off - this comes out as a bad thing. At first I also thought it was negative. To me this was welcome because the norm was, mid my cycle, if I didn't have a man in hand, I would grab in organic phallic vegetable on site. Today, sex is reserved for the moment and only for the moment. Sex used to drive me before menopause, but today, I have learnt what actually makes me happy between the sheets.
  • PMS-Free Living. Only God know how badly I wanted this. With my mid-cycle jumpiness gone, I get a bonus by not getting the hormonal downdraft code named PMS. I can't add more to that
  • Fearless Freedom. I know menopause is associated with anxiety attacks. Kid you not, am getting the exact opposite. Whatever used to give me butterflies feels fun. I am now a daring public speaker and I am having it large. My own publication is coming soon and it will be geared at empowering menopause rather than terrifying women on its effects. Menopause feels like someone injected me with super-woman syrup or something.
  • My new Healthy Habits. Don't get it twisted, I have always been healthy. However, when I was in my 20s and 30s, I would let some habits slip through my strict code of conduct. Today, I find these vices detrimental to my menopause-body. For instance, my two decade affair with red wine is no longer working - bad romance. Even a glass of red wine will leave me feeling lazy and tired. Our long affair with coffee is also turbulent. I can no longer bring myself to take more than one cup of coffee daily. My new partnership is hot chocolate, light exercises, yoga and numerous outdoor strolls.

Funny that menopause reminds me of puberty. This is an important transition where my body, emotions and focus are all taking a 360. At puberty, I welcomed the changes sceptically. I was both looking forward to them and at the same time afraid of them. At menopause, I have accepted the shift in my life and body as perfect. There's nothing that I feel needs to be fixed since my body transitions from the maiden stages of womanhood.

This brings me to the downside of aging. Menopause brings all manner of undesirable symptoms. There are the hot flushes, the night sweating, the anxiety, memory lapse etc. These are the symptoms that make many women fear menopause. I also don't like them. But I have not sat there and accepted to live with them. I use Progesteril cream to calm the negative effects of menopause. Unlike most other products out there that claim to mitigate the undesirable symptoms, progesteril is all natural cream that is designed to safely restore hormonal balance to your body giving you a worry free menopause - do I sound worry free?

I believe that we can all empower women one grey hair at a time. This is possible if we agree to share information with each other like we are doing right now. Women, we must accept old age as a positive transition to freedom and wisdom. Menopause doesn't necessarily need to be cumbersome but it all depends on the level of information and acceptance. In case you are struggling with menopause, you may need to consider progesteril. You can read the numerous progesteril reviews available before committing yourself.